Transformers for 110v power tools, including 110v safety lighting equipment

Ex stock range of Portable Tool Transformers and Accessories.
Including: 1.5kVA, 3.3kVA and 5.0kVA tool rated transformers and 4 way splitter boxes.

Ex stock and made to order ranges of Portable Site Transformers.
Including: 3kVA, 5kVA, 8kva and 10kVA 1ph and 2ph units.

Ex stock range of Enclosed Transformers for wall or floor mounting with 110V sockets.
Including: 3kVA, 4kVA, 5kVA and 6kVA with input protection and input plus output protection.

Site lighting
Including: industrial festoon lighting, LED lanterns, LED site lighting, fluorescent site lighting, LED work lights, and LED floodlights.